July 6th
8:30~9:15 |
Registration / Check-in 注册登记 |
9:30~10:00 |
Opening remark 开幕致辞 |
10:00~10:45 |
Panel A: Social Innovation: Bearing the Yoke of Philanthropy 分论坛A: 社会创新与青年公益 |
Panel B: Education Inequality: The Children Left Behind 分论坛B:教育公平 |
12:00~13:30 |
Lunch Break 午休 |
13:30~14:15 |
Afternoon Keynote 主旨演讲 |
Panel C: Social Media: A Transformative Voice 分论坛C:新媒体新闻真实性 |
Panel D: Healthcare: The New Cooperative Scheme 分论坛D:医疗保障 |
Panel E: International Relations: Diplomatic Challenges for China 分论坛E:中国外交的机遇与挑战 |
Panel F: Chinese Tech Entrepreneurship: The Long Road Ahead 分论坛F:中国科企浪潮 |
16:45~17:00 |
Closing 闭幕 |
July 7th
More information about the schedule on July 7th http://gccday2013.mymova.com/